Bild Josefsverein

Lilienfeld St. Joseph's Association Community of like-minded people

On 23 January 2021, on the initiative of Abbot Pius Maurer, an official resolution was passed to found the Lilienfeld St. Joseph′s Association.

This founding decree took place during a Holy Mass, which was not open to the public due to COVID and was only attended by a very small number of people in the Lilienfeld Abbey basilica. These very few people represented the 30 people who had informed the abbot in writing over the previous two weeks that they wanted to join the Lilienfeld St. Joseph′s Association.

St. Joseph’s Association monks in the Stiftshof
The Lilienfeld St. Joseph′s Association, under the patronage of St. Joseph, is intended to support Lilienfeld Abbey in its various tasks with advice and help and to set Christian initiatives.

At the same time, the Lilienfeld St. Joseph′s Association is intended to be a community of like-minded people in the vicinity of Lilienfeld Abbey. The Lilienfeld St. Joseph′s Association is a continuation of the former Lilienfeld Brotherhood of St. Joseph, which during its existence from 1653 to 1783 took many Christian initiatives from Lilienfeld Abbey.

ZVR NUMBER:1283871442
SEATKlosterrotte 1, 3180 Lilienfeld
FOUNDERAbt Dr. Pius Maurer OCist. | Pater Mag. Hermann Schöppe OCist.

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