Traditional pilgrimage destinations include not only Rome, Jerusalem or Santiago de Compostela. For many centuries, pilgrims have also enjoyed following the classic VIA SACRA route from Vienna via Lilienfeld to Mariazell. Pilgrimage represents our journey through life. Walking and praying open people up – a prerequisite for coming close to God. Open hearts can receive and give more easily.
From Lilienfeld onwards, the Via Sacra is dotted with small sacred monuments that invite pilgrims to contemplate and pray. A particularly powerful sacred art monument is the Lilienfeld Calvary, a representation of the Passion of Christ erected in the open air with over 20 statues near the Lilienfeld hospital.
From Lilienfeld onwards, the Via Sacra is dotted with small sacred monuments that invite pilgrims to contemplate and pray. A particularly powerful sacred art monument is the Lilienfeld Calvary, a representation of the Passion of Christ erected in the open air with over 20 statues near the Lilienfeld hospital.

Welcome Our doors are open to pilgrims
Pilgrims are particularly welcome at Lilienfeld Abbey. Lilienfeld Abbey has long been a main stop on the “Via Sacra”, the traditional pilgrimage route from Vienna to Mariazell.
Pilgrims are asked to register their overnight stay. If you arrive after 4:30 p.m., please let us know in advance. In an emergency, you can call this telephone number: +43 680 2032395.
There are different ways to make a pilgrimage. If you would like to take part in a guided pilgrimage group, you can contact “Mostviertel Tourism”.
+43 7416 52191
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Pilgrims are asked to register their overnight stay. If you arrive after 4:30 p.m., please let us know in advance. In an emergency, you can call this telephone number: +43 680 2032395.
There are different ways to make a pilgrimage. If you would like to take part in a guided pilgrimage group, you can contact “Mostviertel Tourism”.
+43 7416 52191
<This e-mail address is protected against spam bots, you have to activate JavaScript in your browser to see it.>